Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Model of Existence - Part 4: The Mystery of Physical Boundaries

Everything material must have boundaries (borders, perimeters). Without boundaries there would be no Universe; if a Universe somehow could exist, its contents would be an amorphous blob of imperceptible nothingness. 

I've been pondering the mystery of physical boundaries for a long time since it's important for understanding an essential element of existence. This post presents a thought experiment that examines material boundaries.

Mystery of Hand on Table


Imagine a hand on a table, like the image above. The hand and the table appear to have clear boundaries. The hand's skin is a biological organ and the material of the table's surface is an inanimate object, both of which have distinct boundaries that separate them. We instinctively know where the top of the table and the bottom of the hand meet, not only with our eyes but also by feeling the hard surface of table through our tactile sense of touch. 

From a materialist perspective, it's just two material forms (one a living form and the other not) with the living forms' sense organs (nerves in the skin) sending impulses to the brain where the sense of touch is perceived. This process informs a person that the hand is resting on the solid table. While we could argue that the sensations of hardness the person perceives requires a nonphysical mind function, it would be a hypothetical, so let's move on and look more deeply in another direction.

Shrunk to Atom Size

Now imagine that you could shrink down to the size of an atom and you crawled to where the hand and table met. An atom is an extremely small unit of ordinary matter that constitutes a chemical element. Atoms, which are only around 1/254,000,000 of an inch, are the basic building blocks of chemistry (the make up the Period Table of Elements). Most of an atom is empty space. More about atoms
Depiction of an atom

So, what would your atom-sized self see?

For one thing, if you could see inside the hand's skin cells, you'd notice the cell's many smaller components as depicted below.
Depiction of a cell
If you took an even closer look at a skin cell above you, you would see groups of interconnected atoms which create the many molecules that form the cells of the human body. And looking below you would see the atoms and molecules that make up table's surface. Here's an image depicting a protein molecule (each circle is an atom) like the ones that in the cells of earthly life forms. More about molecules

Depiction of a molecule

Being that the cells and molecules in the hand differ from the those in the table, you would be able to distinguish the boundaries of each based on these differences.

Shrunk to Quantum Size 

Now let's assume you were even smaller than an atom, that is, you were the size of quantum particle (of which there are over a dozen types). As discussed in a previous post, these quanta are elementary particles--the building blocks of all matter in the Universe--which are spread out across space as waves of probability called the quantum wave function. As I understand it, a wave is just abstract concept based on a mathematical formula that helps determine where a particle will is most likely appear when observed/measured (at which time the waves "collapse" to become a material particle). 

So, when a quantum is a wave (i.e., in its "wave state") it is not anything real. They  become real when they pop into existence (materialize) via very complex principles science does not understand. When they pop out of existence they turn back in those nonmaterial waves.

There's long been a debate on whether the consciousness of a living thing plays a role in the the existence (materialization) of the particles; here's one video that disputes it. On the other hand, here's an article about the strange link between mind and quantum physics and another article (that's rather dense), which asserts that consciousness--defined as "life"--does have an important role to play. What actually makes all this happen? No one has a clue.

Regardless of any effect of consciousness on quanta, under the right conditions, the quanta clump together to produce the components of atoms that build molecules. The molecules create cells and organs of living forms, as well as the substance of inanimate objects.

Where Boundaries Begin

Despite all this weirdness and uncertainty, one thing seems clear: There are no apparent boundaries between the hand and table at the quantum level. There are just invisible conceptual waves of "nothingness" that interact to somehow produce infinitesimally small particles of matter which combine to create forms with boundaries. I therefore claim that, as shown in the figure below, the boundaries of matter become detectable only after groups of atoms compound into molecules. And those boundaries cannot be detected with the naked eye before organs (or inanimate objects) have been created. 

What this means to me is that the reality we experience has no material/physical aspect at its core. It's built on a foundation of quanta that lacks the boundaries needed to separate the insides of material things from everything else. As such, at it most fundamental level, the Universe is just an indistinguishable blob of formless subatomic particles that appear and disappear from existence. 

Consciousness/mind, being nonmaterial, could have existed in some nonphysical state before there was space and time, however, even though nothing material would have existed for it to experience.

Logical Conclusion

Putting this all together, it seems logical to conclude that preceding the moment of the Big Bang there was just nothingness that had the latent potential to be manifest as material forms with distinct boundaries. This nothingness may have been the precursor to quanta and have shared similar "wave state" qualities. 

It also points to the conclusion that the material Universe we experience--vast space containing solid physical forms--is not really as we perceive. The foundation of all matter at its most basic level is nothing...just a concept of probability which somehow becomes infinitesimally small elementary particles with very strange qualities. These particles
coalesce into material forms with boundaries that our consciousness somehow perceives as real things (including life forms). Science has little to no useful answers about the how's and why's of our these aspects of our experience of reality.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Model of Existence - Post 3: Quanta, Matter, Energy

Quanta, Matter, Energy: Strange Essence of Everything 

Matter is made of energy (and energy is a property of matter). They are like two aspects of the same thing. Things really weird when you focus on the smallest building blocks of the physical/material world. These quanta are elementary particles that that strange qualities. For example, they are nothing material--just "waves of probability"--until they become ("collapse" into) material particles (such as the photons of light and the stuff that makes matter). https://www.physicsoftheuniverse.com/topics_quantum_probability.html 

Those invisible nonmaterial waves span across the Universe where they somehow interact produce elementary particles that pop into and out of existence based on some cosmic rules we don't understand. Atoms, molecules, people, planets stars, etc. are all built from the interactions between these particles. These are the potential particles (PUs) we've been discussing in previous posts.

As I understand it, there's even visual evidence of some of these PUs. The picture below is of 1,000 elementary particles called Fermions "...which are made up of quarks and leptons. Now, what are leptons and quarks made up of? That is something we still don't know. You see, these could very well be end of our search for the most fundamental particles from which all matter is made up of or maybe not. We have fallen into this before. Initially, we thought atoms cannot be further divided and hence are the basic particles. But then came along electrons, protons and neutrons. We thought, this is it! But… then came fermions." https://wonderfulengineering.com/mits-fermion-microscope-provides-the-first-real-images-of-subatomic-particles/  

This appears to be the process by which the physical/material universe is created. We know so little. The complexity is incomprehensible. How likely is it that the strange elements of nature are nothing more than a series of chance events and aimless evolutionary accidents?

As will be discussed in a later post, scientific research appears to have shown that consciousness has an effect on turning those intangible energy waves into visible, tangible matter.

Singularity and the Math of Creation

I propose that the first arithmetic concept required for the creation of the Universe is division. Here's how Cosmic Consciousness (CC) could have applied division to the Singularity discussed in the previous post:
  • Initially, the Singularity could have been a single entity that had no parts. This would have meant the Singularity could not have interactions and there could be no movement nor development; all there could be is static Nothingness devoid of Potential.
  • When CC conceived the concept of division, the Singularity was divided into an infinite number of parts that filled our Universe as it expanded. Each of these parts became a Potential Unit (PU), each a quanta (elementary particle) with the ability to interact, attract and repel, and transform into whole physical entities with perceivable boundaries. These material entities continued evolve, grow, integrate and disintegrate over time.
  • I suggest that the initial mathematical formula might have been 1/0 (one divided by zero). Mathematicians call the result of this formula infinity, undefined or indeterminate. The concept of infinity has always puzzled me; the human mind cannot conceptualize it concretely because it's mathematically undefinable. Likewise, the mysterious fundamental qualities of reality cannot be fully determined by science. These things are also true for the 1/0 formula.
Thus, the arithmetic operator of Division could be considered a fundamental aspect of potential. This potential, in turn, is a fundamental aspect of PUs. The Laws of Nature provide the rules by which units these PUs manifest their potential as they become the substance of reality our consciousness experiences.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Model of Existence - Post 2: Singularity, Potential, Consciousness

© 2020 Image by Dr Stephen Beller

I'm going to begin at the beginning, well...before the beginning.

The top portions of our Model of Existence (i.e., the "Model") has three concepts:

  1.         The "Singularity" is in the middle
  2.         "Potential Units" are on the left
  3.         "Cosmic Consciousness" on the right.
We propose that these concepts reflect/describe the primary components of the Universe in which we live. They are the fundamental elements with which our experience of material (physical) reality is actualized (realized, made real). I will now briefly describe these components.


Until recently, it was thought that before the Big Bang there was an instant where all the matter and energy in the Universe was concentrated into a single point called the initial singularity. The temperatures, densities, and energies of the Universe were infinitely large, and could have even coincided with the birth of time and space itself.

Our Model uses the term singularity in a somewhat different way, although it also could have preceded time itself.* The Model proposes that everything new emerges (is created) from nothing the moment we experience it. The Singularity is composed of this Nothingness, which in turn, is the essence of everything material (energy and matter) in the Universe. Logically, that means there must be features (characteristics, qualities, properties) of the Singularity's Nothingness that is used to creates things. According to our Model, those features are Potential Units and Cosmic Consciousness.

Potential Units (PUs)

To have a physical reality, the most fundamental capability of the Singularity's Nothingness would, logically, have be the ability to become material things. That is, it must be able to create something from nothing. This means it must have Potential, which is the capacity to become or develop into something in the future [reference]. Potential is the influence (force) that makes cause and effect possible. So, the Singularity's Nothingness had to become imbued (permeated, infused) with such Potential.

Our Model considers Potential to be a “pre-material” (not yet materialized) force that is spread throughout the Universe in infinitesimally small units ("packets") of nonactivated quanta. Quanta (also called "elementary particles) are the smallest entities science has found in the Universe and they have some very strange qualities/properties.**

The Laws of Nature guide the process by which these Potential Units (PUs) become actualized (manifested, materialized) into tangible/perceivable reality. Our Model categorizes these laws as having Creative, Organizational and Functional aspects, along with Polarity (intertwined opposites).*** These four aspects of PUs will be discussed in a subsequent post.

Let's now briefly examine the process by which the PUs are activated and transformed by consciousness into the reality experienced all living forms.

Cosmic Consciousness (CC)

The third concept in our Model is Cosmic Consciousness (CC), which could be considered a force of God if you'd like. CC has an inherent and indestructible connection with (linkage to) the Individual Consciousnesses (ICs) of living things.

Our Model defines CC (and its ICs) as nonmaterial entities with aspects of mind and awareness. The Model makes the following propositions:

  • CC created the Singularity and its PUs, as well as space-time and the Laws of Nature
  • CC supplies the Life Force to all living things, including microscopic organism, insects, humans and other animals, as well as plants and trees, etc.
  • CC enables living things to have physical forms, awareness, perceptions, experiences and behaviors
  • A characteristic of CC is its a nonmaterial Universal Mind (that some people could consider the Mind of God)
  • The minds of certain life forms interact with their brains, sense organs, and nervous systems to give them the ability to think, reason, sense, imagine, and feel emotions
  • CC and its ICs exchange information through their minds which functioning as "transceivers;" this process will be discussed in the next post
  • CC also materializes the forms (structures and boundaries) of inanimate objects.
Our Model also proposes that feedback loops between CC and its ICs are responsible for activating PUs. This actualization process manifests the PUs' potential guided by the Laws of Nature. Following are some of the Model's propositions:
  • The mind of a life form’s IC functions as a transceiver that exchanges information with CC via the feedback loops:
    • Intuitive information is transmitted from the CC to each IC to provide a form of understanding without reasoning (a hunch, gut feeling, instinctive knowledge).
    • ICs transmit their (conscious and subconscious) experiences to the CC and other ICs. This experiential information includes mental beliefs, thoughts, knowledge, sensations, memories, and the perceptions of recognized objects, as well as emotional responses and behavioral (re)actions.
  • The purpose of life is to enrich CC's Mind through experiential feedback from the mind of each IC and the feedback ICs receive from CC enables life to experience.
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* Time is strange. The past, present and future are concepts that we construct in our minds. It's illogical to say there could be anything before time began because you need time to have any before. And time has strange properties, e.g., time is related to space (called space-time), which makes it runs slower in stronger gravity (because gravity curves space-time) and when compared to something traveling at very high speed. Time can described as a mental (mathematical) construct dependent on memory, rather than an actual thing. Following are a few links to written materials and videos that discuss time for anyone interested:


** This related to the field of Quantum Physics (Quantum Mechanics). It's abstract and complex, but very interesting, imo. Here are a few links to introductory videos:

*** Polarity is the state of having two opposite or contradictory (intertwined opposites such as magnetism).

Friday, February 14, 2020

Model of Existence - Post 1: An Introduction

© 2020 Image by Stephen Beller, PhD

This cosmological* model of existence uses science and logic to describe the elements of existence. It offers an explanation of the nature of reality, experience, consciousness, mind, life's meaning/purpose, self and creation, and it provides a religiously-neutral definition of the concept of God. 

The purpose of this blog is to examine and discuss how the model addresses these mystifying topics. 
I've been developing this model on-and-off for the past 40 years and incorporates insights from people I respect.** I hope to continue its development for as long as possible.

Toward that end, I welcome any questions, suggestions, comments and critiques from readers of this blog to help the model continually evolve.

Thank you,
Dr. Steve Beller

* Cosmology is the study of the origin and development of the Universe including its components, how it formed, how its has evolved and what is its future.

** Our Model of Existence incorporates original cosmological principles developed by the Gilchrist Institute for Achievement Sciences, Bronxville, NY. Dr Bob Flower, Director and includes input from Jeff Rounds